
Edit:06 mai 2017, Cre:24 nov. 2016


Where to find information about garden train ?

There are many books in English, so just a few will be cited


Note that Amazon US site propose reviews for all garden train books.
Two notables:
Getting Started in Garden Railroading: Build the Railroad of Your Dreams… in Your Own Backyard 91 € | US
Garden Railroading: Getting Started in the Hobby 16,20 € | US

For building and structures
Building structures for your garden railway | US

LGB catalogs and documents

It is required to get an old LGB catalog, you will find in nearly complete equipment list, including no longer manufactured equipments.

For wiring and installation, 148 Euros new, and from 60 Euros used, This is an old book (1987) but still remarkable and I really recommend to get one:
LGB Track planning & Technical guide | US

See samples below.

Champex-Linden (Germany) propose to download many catalogs actual and older. Old catalogs have a lot more details about wiring or other stuff, by example Explore the world of LGB (1998) ed 00559.
Maintenance manuals LGB are proposed by the site


In USA, there is a bi-monthly Garden railway.
in UK, monthly magazine Garden rail also distributed on Internet for around 30£ (~38€) per year. There are practical articles, splendid photos and a part dedicated to live steam. Internet subscription gives you access to old issues from 2006. It shall be noted that the philosophy between English and US train modeller is quite different and so the magazine content follow the local customs.

Internet database

German site (available in english) propose a garden train database quite complete. There is also documentation to downlaod.


Aside well known forums, you also can find a small forum Continental Garden trains handled by an English who live in France.


Many films on Youtube are available
I recommend a nice series of 15 episodes about garden railway network building (TV series of 2001) :

Extracts of the book ‘LGB track planning and technical guide’ (1987)

You find both technical advices and network examples. This is an old book but still a very good reference.

(c) Pierre ROUZEAU
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